Mrs Francis and Mr Stephen Maitland OAM RFD

How has Queensland Symphony Orchestra impacted you?
It’s been wonderful to become involved in the life of the QSO over many years. It has allowed us to develop a deeper love of orchestral musical. It has been marvellous to see the musicians develop over the years - particularly as they respond to the different conductors and guest artists.
Stephen (a one-time orchestral and band trombonist of modest ambition) has particularly enjoyed supporting Jason Redmond at Principal Trombone – hearing him play, chatting about performances, and assisting with instruments and professional development – and getting to know his talented family!
Why is it important to you to support QSO?
The music played and the dynamics of an orchestra are amongst to greatest expressions of artistic endeavour in our society. We almost have an obligation to support and encourage this. If we, the locals, want the world class orchestra that we now have, then it’s important to offer support in whatever way we can.
ADFAS Brisbane, a local Arts group in which Frances is involved, could see the importance of supporting the development of young musicians and now sponsors the Young Instrumentalist and the Young Composer Awards. So local groups can contribute as well as individuals.
What advice would you give to those considering supporting QSO?
2020 and Coronavirus has thrown up some unexpected challenges. With concerts cancelled, the QSO has done a remarkable job in keeping audiences informed and entertained. Through Instagram, Facebook, Zoom we have heard ‘Over the fence ‘ concerts etc. They need our support more than ever. So my advice is .....
Just do it! Become involved and the rewards are there in many ways: the connection with the musicians, attending open rehearsals, invitations to the Young Instrumentalist Finals, becoming a part of the QSO “family” but more importantly knowing that if we all become involved and contribute then we are supporting something beautiful.
To learn how you can support your Orchestra